Sunday, January 7, 2018

Week 26 - Happy New Year!

Hey y'all! 
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I can't believe it's 2018... that's so weird. I am loving it here in Boise West and I love love love the people we teach. They're crazy for sure and communicating can be a struggle, but it's such a cool experience. We're so busy every day and if I were to go day by day and tell you about these weeks it would take forever! We're still trying to get used to the phones and I am talking to a ton of people all over the world, it's so cool!!  I gave two, 2 hour trainings with my companion this last week and I'll be doing another two this week.  It's a lot, but i like it.
I really feel lucky to be out here, I know I say it a lot and you're all probably tired of hearing it, but I truly am.  I look back on this last year and think about all of the times I thought it wouldn't happen.  All of the times people told me it wouldn't happen.  I'm grateful to God for His confidence in someone like me.  When ever He heard my prayers, telling Him I'm ready to quit and stop trying and hoping to come back out, He reminded me of the answer I got right when I got home.  That I still had work to do.  That He would help, He could shape me into what He needed me to be.  I'm far from where I'd like to be, but I like to think I came a long way from 1 year and 2 years ago.  Thank you, my friends and family for your love, support and encouragement.  I'd like to end with my testimony for 2017.

I believe this life is a time for trials and challenges, great joys and triumphs. I am convinced that it is by Divine Design that we are here and now, and that we know who we know and that we are where we are.  I know that there is truly a plan of happiness and that you and I play a vital role in this plan.  I know that this plan, given before the foundation of the world, is only a happy one because of a loving Brother.  A son of God above the rest.  The First born.  This is the key by which we may, if commandments are kept and repentance is had and after a gift of grace is given, that we may return to a Loving Father and family in heaven.  I am a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I have had his Atonement burned into my heart.  I believe that God loves us enough even to restore what He has given to others of his children and knows we desperately need.  Namely, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Priethood keys to exercise the Power and authority of God for the salvation of His children.  I know that this is the case, by way of a young man who asked questions and acted on answers.  Through him, Jesus Christ restored his gospel and for that I am grateful forever.  I know these things are true because I asked God and received an answer.  I know that you can too.  And I say there things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Stolper

Week 25 - I Got Transferred

This week was pretty busy! I got transferred and we have sooooo many errands to run every day. We are pretty much the errand boys for the zone.  We also got to go be Santa the past few days because we had to deliver all of the last minute gifts to all of the members of our zone.  

We got to teach a ton of people this week.  We work with a lot of refugees and I love it.  We don't even knock, you just walk in and yell "JAMBO" and they shout it back and it's super fun!  We went and had a lesson with Toe and Cha-eh and their friends Tu and Chetty-pa.  The lesson went really well.  We shared a simple Christmas message about Jesus Christ, watched a couple of videos and the spirit was really strong.  Cha-eh ended up saying the prayer and I think he felt the Spirit.  Then we helped Toe fill out a job application and I got to play with their little boy Jonathan. 

My shoes fell apart too, haha.  It's a good thing I have like 3 other pairs because they filled up with snow!  Church was cool.  It was a big musical/testimony meeting! It's been super cold here, like 20-30* this week.  

We have been trying to get used to having smart phones and facebook.  It's so different from what I'm used to as a missionary.  I am allowed to follow family and friends, but need special permission to chat, teach or talk 2 on 1 with any of you, so if I don't reply to you, don't think I hate you, it's just the mission rules.  Hope you all had a great Christmas! I had my first white Christmas and it was super cool!! I love you all!!

-Elder Stolper