Monday, October 16, 2017

Week 15 in Idaho

So this week was a little rougher than most.  I had to watch Elder Knudsen go home and I was put with a temporary companion, Elder Houck, and he goes home tomorrow... I swear I'm not trying to send them home!  Elder Houck is just done with his mission, but oh man things are just so crazy this transfer.  I get to keep in pretty close contact with President though, so that's cool.

To be honest, I don't really have a whole lot to report on, but yeah things are going well all in all. I guess I'll close out with my simple testimony to fill some space.. 

As I watch the Elders in my district, I see the Gospel work in them and I see the Atonement of Jesus Christ strengthen them in their times of need.  I saw it help me this week as my heart took an emotional blow with the leaving of my companion.  I knew that I could not afford to lose even the smallest bit of hope or motivation and it was hard to put on a smile and to look them in the eyes and tell them everything would be alright.  I am over a new district and 6 out of my 10 Elders are new and I know it rocked them and they felt the foundation of their testimonies shake, but they were strong and they remained rooted though the winds of adversity and the pounding hail of hopelessness beat against them.

It was hard to stand in front of them as a leader and encourage, uplift and to tell them that leaving this great experience is not an option, and will NOT bring peace or relief in times of distress.  I bore my testimony of the struggles that lie in wait at home for the missionary who gives up or abandons his calling in search of relief. 

At times this Gospel can seem like a sail that keeps us catching every little breeze of adversity.  I myself have thought from time to time, my life would be so much less stressful if I just didn't know or didn't believe, and while this thought may seem tempting and may seem like an escape route, I want to tell you with all the intensity of my soul, YOU WILL NOT FIND GREATER JOY THAN THAT FOUND IN CHRIST, JESUS.  He alone can help you win the fight that is this bitter sweet experience.

I want to share one of my favorite scriptures, PSALMS 27:1 "The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid"  We have nothing to fear when the Lord is on our side.  He will be there for us if only we will let Him.  We must ask.  I know that He loves us and He (Jesus Christ) is a testimony of Gods love for us.

In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Week 14


Sorry I've been pretty vague with my past few emails. Things have been pretty crazy here. To fill you in, we have 13 investigators including 2 families and 5 or 6 less actives we are working with. We should be having a baptism at the end of this month and possibly another, then we should be having 2 or 3 the next few months to follow.

I think I introduced my new companion, but if not he is Elder Brayden Knudsen and I just love this kid to pieces! He is a light in my life and he keeps me focused on others and helps me to forget myself. We have had both of our bikes down so we walk about 7-10 miles a day and I love it because we get to talk to everyone and I don't look like such a doofus in my bike helmet. We have been having some pretty amazing miracles, like every day!

Yesterday we were just walking to dinner and we had like 45 mins to fill, but God told me "just go to dinner," so as we go I felt strongly to go try to visit a guy named Vinny that we teach. He wasn't there, but I knew God sent us there for a reason. Then a member comes out and we talk with him and he gives us a referral. I was like "wow, this is great!" As we go back to the road to take us to dinner, a lady pulls up and says "are you Mormon Elders for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?" Astonished at the title, I said "yes, my name is Elder Stolper..." and she cuts me off with "Well then get in, my sisters a Mormon and she's sick and God sent me you Angel boys to heal her. Isn't there something you do for sick people?" I told her there is and that we couldn't ride with her, but we'd meet here at the house.

We walk in to find a lady named Sister Kellogg. Her husband just had heart surgery and she had pneumonia and the doctor said that if her husband gets it, in the state he's in, that he'll die that night... So we blessed her and healed her only to find out that they were supposed to leave that morning for a mission in Fresno. She didn't know who to call for help so she prayed and her sister had surprised her with us to give her a blessing! The Lord works in miraculous ways and what a blessing it is to be a part of it. They leave for their mission in just a few days now.

This is just one of many stories I could tell you about this week alone. God is with us, you and me and His promise in D&C84:88 echo's in my mind. "Whosoever shall receive you, there shall I be also; I will go before your face, I will be on your right hand and on your left and mine angels shall be round about you to bare you up" God will walk before us and with us. I know he lives. I know the Priesthood is real and that Jesus Christ restored it through Joseph Smith. The dead do not rise again from mental affect or comforting words, but by the power of God. Pneumonia does not leave after 1 day and no medication no matter how much will power you muster, only by the power of God. I know this to be true and say it in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Week 13 in Boise

Wow, what a wonderful conference weekend it has been! I always feel so lucky to hear the word of prophets and apostles of the Lord, Jesus Christ.  I know that these men are called of God and that what they share are the Lords words for us!

I am in the same area, but I got a new companion! His name is Elder Knudsen and he is from Fontana, so its kinda close to T.O.!  It's at least in Southern CA, haha.  He is a newer missionary and has only been out 7 weeks, so I am training him.  It's really cool that I get to keep training. 

I also got 2 new Elders in my district, so now my district has 10 Elders! It's a lot, but I love them all so much and they are all amazing! 

I wish to share with you all a quote from Elder Zwick (who came to GA and spoke to our mission) he said "look beyond what you can see." I wish today to apply this to helping those around us.  One of the many strong themes was service.  I can promise you that every person you know has struggles.  Do what you can, even when you can't see the struggle.  Serve out of love and not necessity.  Love one another as Jesus loves you.

I wish I had more time to talk, but I love you all and thank you for serving me and my family.  Take care and God bless. 

Elder Stolper