Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 12

So this is transfers week and we'll have to see what's going to happen, but I think I will either go somewhere else or stay... I know, profound huh? hahah. To be honest, I really don't care either way.

This week was good.  My poor greenie got hit by a car and messed up his bike. I told him it's a right of passage as a missionary, and don't worry, he is fine, haha. I love him so much and I hope that we stay together.

We had the primary program this Sunday in one of our wards and it was sooooo cool! I am so jealous to hear about all of the babies back at home and I'm not there to hold them...

Anyway, I just want to say that I love you so much and I hope you all know it. General conference is this week and I hope you all listen to what the Lord wants you to know. These are the words from the Savior to His living prophet today, Thomas S. Monson, and it's specifically for us.

I love you all. Did I say that already? Do you know it yet? I really, really do.

Elder Stolper

Week 11 in Idaho!!!

Hey guys!

So to be 100% honest, it was a pretty lame week. I was pretty sick, but kept working because I need to teach my companion a good work ethic, but I think I just scared him, haha.  We had a crazy week and lots of cool things happened, but today I want to talk about NOT giving up!

We had a missionary in our zone go home today, and brothers and sisters my heart is broken... Nothing so breaks my heart as to see an Elder or a Sister feel like they cannot continue on. I KNOW, and am an example that you can. It is no secret at home or in the mission that I went home for a year. No one knows why, but one thing that I am proud to say is that they all know that I value my mission! Elder Holland says his mission means the most to him, but I feel like I'm far more convinced than even he is, that a mission will change lives and set standards and habits for the rest of your life.

I will keep my message short today and end with these words. If you are debating whether or not to go on a mission, remember that you made that choice a long time ago, in another world, in front of the God of us all and you said "yea Lord, I will go, if only you will help me" and he said I WILL BE THERE! I so testify that you will not be alone when you leave, that the Lord will go with you. "I will go before your face, I will be on your right hand and on your left, and mine angels shall be round about you to bare you up." If you are out and are struggling, have faith. Know that God loves you and you are not alone. Write me and lets talk about it. Talk to your mission president and ask for a priesthood blessing. If you have already gone home for reasons you can't control and feel like you have let down the Lord, take comfort and remember you are NEVER released as a missionary. There is no releasing and you were called to this great work FOREVER! Go my brothers and sister, serve and know that God is with you! I love you all!

Elder Noah Stolper 

Week 10 in Boise, ID

Hey guys,

So the past few weeks have been pretty crazy, but were doing well. Lots of crazy stuff.  I helped get a homeless dude to quit drinking, which had literally ruined his life. I guess I didn't do much, as it was more the Lord, but it was cool to see how we helped him.  It was hard for him for sure!

Elder Lawrence ate it on his bike like twice this week.  I mean like he really, really ate it! I felt so bad, but he kept a good attitude. When he said he was okay, he was less than thrilled when I told him we were going to keep working if he was fine. His answer then changed, but we got to rest a bit and he is fine now, haha poor kid!

We got lots and lots of new investigators and I really like this area, which means I'll probably be getting transferred.  This is week 5 in this area, so one more week till transfers again! Crazy huh?

Anyway, I just wanted to bare my testimony on prayer. I know that prayer works. I know that God is real and He hears our prayers and He knows our hearts. If you are struggling with knowing or believing or hoping if God is there, Ask Him! It's literally as easy as that. If you really want to know and if you ask, He will tell you He is there. I testify that I have asked God if He is there and He has told me that He is. I know that He loves us and I say these things in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all, more than you know and more than I could tell you.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Week 8 in Boise, ID

Hey y'all, 

Sorry my last Email was so short. I only had about 20 mins to email so I am glad that I have a little more time this week.

So this week I want to talk about love. One of my favorite scriptures of all time is John 11:35 which reads "Jesus wept".  If any of you read my emails while I was in GA one of my favorite things to say after I saw something or heard something that broke my heart was "I cried my eyes out".  I'm not saying that I am some big baby and that I cry at the drop of a hat, but I for sure get a little misty when I bare my testimony or when I hear a sad story or watch a sad movie. It gives me comfort to know that the savior wept too, but what amazes me is the verse that follows (John 11:36) "Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him".  I am currently training a new missionary and he cries. Like a lot, but I love it because it shows me that he cares.

While I was in GA I got to spend the afternoon digging postholes with a Baptist minister and he was this big tough guy who was a Ranger and a Cowboy and all this stuff. While we were digging we began to talk about the atonement and I saw this "man among men" begin to cry. He looked up at me and his lip was quivering and he couldn't hold himself together, so me being the smooth talker I am said "Dude, what're you doing" and he said he just feels so loved and so much love, he can't help but cry. I wish I realized then that I need that. I still do. Compassion and love is a hard thing for me, but I can promise you all that as we try to love one another and live up to the baptismal covenants we made (Mosiah 18), we will be blessed!

Now we don't always have to cry.  I remember the words of my first companion and this will be the last thing I leave with you, he said to me; " I never knew how much you loved me, until you stopped telling me and started showing me"