Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 10 in Boise, ID

Hey guys,

So the past few weeks have been pretty crazy, but were doing well. Lots of crazy stuff.  I helped get a homeless dude to quit drinking, which had literally ruined his life. I guess I didn't do much, as it was more the Lord, but it was cool to see how we helped him.  It was hard for him for sure!

Elder Lawrence ate it on his bike like twice this week.  I mean like he really, really ate it! I felt so bad, but he kept a good attitude. When he said he was okay, he was less than thrilled when I told him we were going to keep working if he was fine. His answer then changed, but we got to rest a bit and he is fine now, haha poor kid!

We got lots and lots of new investigators and I really like this area, which means I'll probably be getting transferred.  This is week 5 in this area, so one more week till transfers again! Crazy huh?

Anyway, I just wanted to bare my testimony on prayer. I know that prayer works. I know that God is real and He hears our prayers and He knows our hearts. If you are struggling with knowing or believing or hoping if God is there, Ask Him! It's literally as easy as that. If you really want to know and if you ask, He will tell you He is there. I testify that I have asked God if He is there and He has told me that He is. I know that He loves us and I say these things in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all, more than you know and more than I could tell you.

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