Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Week 24 - Merry Christmas (almost)

Merry Christmas.

This week has been pretty boring, but I am going to be transfered so I'll have lots and lots to tell next week. I am going to go be a Zone Leader in Boise West! 

Please remember what Christmas is about. Christ. Love, Serve, and Love again.

Elder Stolper 

Week 23 It's Snowing!!!

ITS SNOWING!! Not a lot, but enough to make me cold for sure.

I don't really have time to run through this whole week day by day, but it was pretty cool. We had another great lesson with Natasha and James and I think he will accept a baptismal date next time we bug him about it, haha.

Also we had a fun ward Christmas party and zone conference this week.  I got to see lots of cute little kids and got to meet some general authorities! So that was super cool! I'm sick right now and have been for the past day or two and so this cold weather isn't doing me any favors. 

Things are going really good though. Sorry for such a vague letter this week.  Not much time.

Elder Stolper

Week 22 in Boise

Oh man, so my weeks are just getting crazier and crazier. 

Tuesday- So we had to run around and do lots of contacting with the #LightTheWorld stuff going on, so that took up most of our day. Let me give you a little excerpt from my letter to pres. describing the rest of that night. "After visiting a referral we started to head home and noticed that despite our 4 mile walk home, we only had about an hour to make it. We decided to speedwalk and see where that got us. About half way there we saw we were down to 15 mins before 9:30 and so we called the zone leaders and told them our situation on the voicemail and ran. President, we ran in full winter and missionary gear and my boots were made for walking, NOT running haha. However, 2 miles later we stumbled into our apt. soaking with sweat and saw that the Lord let us make it home with 2 mins to spare! What an absolute miracle. While I was running (which I absolutely hate to do) I thought once or twice, "maybe we can just be late this once and Elder Ixtlahuac won't notice if I don't bring it up" or "this won't affect my exact obedience or upset the pattern for my trainees mission"... How I wanted so bad to stop and throw up in the bushes and walk home, but we pushed through. I know this sounds dramatic, but this is how it was to me. A pivotal point in the course of our missions and as I listened to my companion ask to rest and pretended not to hear. The Holy Spirit whispered to me that God was proud of me. Not something I am often told by Him. It was a miracle, I know it. We have seen the blessing come to us as well with a prospective 3 baptisms coming in the next month or two. The Lord is good".

Wednesday- So today was super crazy.  We almost had to take care of some evil awful stuff that had gone wrong, but thankfully didn't have to. The missionary I took with me was sure glad of that, haha. Then as we are walking to our next appt. I get a call from president and he says "Elder Stolper, do you have a minute to visit?  I have a special assignment for you..." I got so nervous and was like "yeah president, I guess. Whats up?" He said I have someone here who is going to be joining your companionship." IT WAS ELDER LAWRENCE!!!! The first missionary I had trained here and oh man I think I just screamed into the phone!  So he came and he is with me now.

Thursday- So today was less fun. An Elder in my district had to go home. It was understandable and no fault of his own. He was sick and we all kinda knew it would happen. We had sat down and talked about how it is to go home early and what the process is for coming back. It broke my heart nonetheless. So I lost my greenie, Elder Ixtlahuac, to his companion.  He is still in my district, but I am with Elder Lawrence now. I also got a whole gallon of rainbow sherbert ice cream and set a goal to finish it by Monday. (I pounded out the last of is last night)

Friday-  Today we had the best lesson with James and Natasha. They are a part member family and it went so so so well and we had tacos, so it was just that much better. We got to sit down and talk and go over some things that we believe and share what is near and dear to our hearts. It was awesome because he is a Lutheran and our religions are pretty similar even though most Lutherans don't really like us. So we talked about Martin Luther and the reformation of the Catholic church to make His church and about the Restoration of ours to be the same that Jesus taught when he came to earth and about the priesthood and healings and exorcisms and all that good stuff and gave them a book of mormom and a challenge found in the back at Moroni 10:3-5. It was awesome!

Saturday and Sunday weren't that cool. Just a Lot of walking!!

I love you all and would like you to know that I am so grateful to be a missionary. It's so hard and I hear a voice tell me when it gets hard to throw in the towel, but it's so special to me to be able to share what has changed my life forever. I say that coming from a genuine testimony rooted and grounded in the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He is the Leader and founder of this church and I am grateful for Him and the Father who gave him to us. I love you all.

Elder Noah Stolper

Week 21 Thanksgiving In Boise

Well since I skipped out last week, I owe you all a good explanation of this week.

Monday- Well this day was pretty nice because its our preperation day, but to be honest we just ran errands all day and thats about it.

Tuesday-  Today we had district meeting and it went pretty well. I was supposed to train on the churches new Light the World initiative. So we talked about that and got ready for how we could make it matter to people and prepared for when the videos come out (they're out right now so go watch them!!). Then I went on exchanges with one of my elders who is probably going home soon. My heart breaks for this young man because he doesn't want to leave, but can't cope with stress so his body is making him physically ill. Super sad, so we talked and I gave him some tools to see if we could help him feel better. He didn't believe me that it was a mental thing, so we"ll see what happens. 

Wednesday-  So today we walked... like a lot. My poor companion gave me the saddest look when I told him we were going to take the 4 mile hike to the Church. haha so needless to say, I have some gnarly blisters and got to talk to a lot of cold people. We pretty much just spent the day doing service and walking around.

Thursday-  Today was weekly planning and oh man I was so excited for it. I don't even know why because its usually super boring and it still was, but I think I was just happy to stay in the warm house for a little bit. Then we walked for an hour and a half to get to our Thanksgiving dinner. It was soooooo good and I ate so much food!

Friday- So today was the day that all of the Light the World videos came out so we went to the mission office and I borrowed a laptop and took my whole district into presidents office, haha. We watched it in there and I just cried the whole time haha. They're so good and I just felt the Spirit so strong! President heard I sat in his chair and he just rolled his eyes (he totally loves me though so its okay haha). Then we literally did service for the rest of the day.

Saturday- So our sole purpose today was to teach my new companion how to knock doors and to give out a ton of the Light the World cards.. It went really well and we talked to a ton of people. Not all of them were super happy at our invitation to Light the World and to serve others, but it's whatever. Thats like half the fun!! We had a sweet dinner and I got to play with some kids and a dog, so I was super happy.

Sunday- Today was for sure the best day of the week! For starters we had our refugee investigator, Monica from Rwanda come to sacrament and we sang hymns and bore testimonies the whole time. It was so cool!! She doesn't speak English very well so she liked to just listen and feel the Spirit. Then I got to go teach primary 2 TIMES!!!! Oh man I was so happy I got to do it in both wards. For sharing time they shared us, the missionaries haha, it was so fun! Then we had a really good lesson and a super good dinner. It was a good week!

I know you all know this because I say it all the time, but I am so grateful to be a missionary. I am so lucky to be able to come here to Boise and to finish my mission. I love you all and know that God does too.

Elder Noah Stolper 

Week 20 - Just Photos

Sorry guys, I cant talk today. I'll get you next time though!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 19 and lots more Pics!

Hey everyone, so this week was super busy. 

Monday- We were errand boys for the mission, haha.  We ran around and pretty much chilled with the assistants all day.

Tuesday- So, today I found out I would be staying in my area and training a new missionary and I would continue to be a District Leader.  I was pretty pumped about it because I love this area and I really like training and being a district leader is chill too.  Nothing special, but I get to take care of my Elders, so that's cool.  Also, we have no Sisters in my district... President and I have decided that we need some, but he doesn't assign any so here we are, haha.

Wednesday- So today we had to go run around and go do a bunch of service and take care of a sick Elder in my district, and then JACKIE GOT DUNKED!!!!  I made that sound a lot less spiritual than it was.   I was kinda mad because I had to preside so there was not a whole lot of ward leadership support, but it's whatever.  It went really well and her brother got to baptize her which is a lot cooler than if I were to do it, haha.

Thursday-  So today we had transfers and the trainers meeting went really well and then I got my greenie.  His name is Elder Ixtlahuac and he is super cool!  He grew up in Monterey and moved to AZ right before his mish.  He is 20 and actually is a Visa waiter for Portugal!! Super cool huh?  So I could be losing him any day, but I hope he stays the full 6 weeks!  I think the ward thinks I'm crazy because I have so many comps, so I hope he doesn't leave me, hahaha.

Friday- We didn't do much that was exciting today, just weekly planned and went to do service.  Then we had dinner and met with a dude named Zach who is a recent convert with a cool story.  He made me promise not to tell, but it's in my journal so if I die, just throw it up here and I wont be held accountable, haha. 

Saturday- The day started out with us leaving a note for a less active member to come back to church.  She was just baptized before I got here, so Jill, if you're reading this, GET YOUR BUTT TO SACRAMENT! haha, but we just said how much the ward misses her and that we want her home.  Then we had a lesson with this dude Evan, who finished the BOM and I asked him "so you ready to join or what" kinda in a joking not joking way, and he goes "haha woah, calm down elder Stolper, its just a book".  I was a little shocked and we talked about it and it turns out he hadn't prayed about it, EVER!  I know some of you are like "so what" but guys, this is soooooooo important!!!  And I said "so when I asked you if you've been praying about the BoM what did you think I meant?" and he goes "oh, so that's what that meant, like ask God what he thinks?..."  I asked him how many times he had met with missionaries before us and he said a for while.  This was only our second time seeing him and I totally didn't even think to invite him to pray, I assumed since he was in 3 Nephi the guy had it together, but I totally let him down...  So he is going to restart and pray about it his time, haha. Then we did some more service.

Sunday- So we have two wards and they meet back to back so I go to a loooooooot of church.  It makes for some long days sometimes, especially if we have meetings.  So this Sunday I taught Gospel Principals in one ward, Gospel Doctrine in the other ward, spoke for 15 minutes in Sacrament and also confirmed Jackie.  It was a lot, but I think it all went well because dinner didn't get cancelled and they still talked to us after so I think I got off okay.  I usually don't write out anything, I just study and let Heavenly Father pick and choose what he wants me to share from my readings.  I spoke on "the blessings of eternal families" it was a cool topic and one that is near and dear to my heart. 

This week was pretty great. I am so lucky to be here. It hits me every few hours that I am a missionary and I got to go back out!  I can't even begin to explain what that means to me.  Elder Holland says no one was more great full for a mission than him, but I'm fairly certain I got him beat.  Thank you all again for your continued love and support. I miss you and love you all and will see you in a little over a year!!!!

Elder Noah Stolper

Week 18, with Pictures!

Hey guys, so I owe you a good email because I suck at these so let me do it like GA and take you day by day with what I can remember...

Monday- I am DL and so is my companion, but for another district in another zone.  We had to give rides and we went to my activity where we just played sports and stuff, then we had dinner and ran around and tried to make it to all of our appts. 

Tuesday- Today we had... to be honest, I don't even remember.  It feels like it was forever ago. OH WAIT! We went and had a lesson with this dude in Elder De Simone's area (he's my comp right now) whose name is Bro Johnson.  He's kinda crazy, but super chill.  He's worried about joining our church because he was in a cult for 18 years in Mexico... I was joking and said "you'd love our church then, people think were a cult all the time..." He didn't think it was as funny as I did, haha.  Then we ran around and met with Jackie (our investigator getting baptized this Wednesday) and it was a super powerful lesson on the commandments!

Wednesday- Today we had 2 District Meetings and oh my goodness it was a lot.  I got to train on Safeguards for technology and it got all of the Elders super excited for the smart phones, haha.  After that, we talked to a lady in Elder De Simone's area that had a tragic thing happen in her family concerning her son.  We sat on her doorstep with tearstained cheeks as she told us this story.  My heart breaks for her, but I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing that can heal her broken heart.  She has been seeing psychics and stuff like that, but we read in the bible, in the book of Leviticus "DO NOT seek to talk to spirits" it is a devilish practice and is forbidden by the Lord, however, if they come to us we are to listen with "spiritual ears" to their words.  But that's deep stuff and we wont get too much into that, haha.

Thursday- We started out the day with 6 hours of service.  6 HOURS!  It was a lot and I was happy to do it, but wow, it was a lot all at once.  Then we went and met with Jackie and went over the baptismal interview questions and she had some work to do, so we went over those areas and gave her some homework and said we'd be back tomorrow to see what the Lord would tell her. 

Friday- I can't for the life of me remember what I did that morning, but I went and met with Jackie and oh my goodness "ask and ye shall receive".  It was cool to see how the Lord had swept away all of her doubts and built upon her "sure foundation" of the Book of Mormon.  She is now ready and we are excited to baptize her this Wednesday.  Then we went on exchanges with some Elders in my district

Saturday- Well the elder I was on exchanges with was sick so I kinda took care of him all day until about 4 when we exchanged back.  Then we went to dinner and to the temple open house with some investigators.  They really liked it and I got to see Elder King (a missionary from home that I knew before I went to GA) it was really cool!

Sunday- Church in both of Elder De Simone's wards and it was cool.  We got to go teach Young Men's and go do a baptismal interview after church.  It was a long 6 hours of church, but its all good! hahah

I want to close with my testimony of the specific plan that the Lord has for you and me.  This has been a crazy transfer.  I have had 2 comps and stayed with the assistants and then got assigned another area with 2 wards that's a 30 min drive away.  Its been hectic and I am excited to see what happens this week with transfers, but I am also grateful for the plan of my Father in Heaven and I know that it is specific and tailor made for me.  I know he cares about the little things in our life and about us.  He hears our prayers and knows our hearts and knows what's best for us. 

My favorite scripture is still John 11:35 "Jesus wept" that gives me such peace to know that He weeps for our heartaches and our struggles and knows that we suffer and it breaks his heart.  I know that He knows we can grow from it and that His Atonement is the ONLY things that can help us in our hour of need.  To be snatched out of the gall of bitterness and endless woe is a daily thing for us, if the Lord could touch your eyes and let you see His hand in your life, maybe we'd live a little different.  Maybe we'd take time to say thank you and to better follow him.  Maybe if we could see his blood and hear his cries on the mount of olives and on Calvary, we'd follow him more closely. With a consistency and determination to Not let His sacrifice go to waste, maybe we'd repent a little more fully or honestly, maybe we'd encourage others to do the same. 

If we want to be better, then do it.  Remember that "wanna be(e)'s don't make no honey" . If you want to see a change for the better start with a question and real intent to act on an answer and I promise you in the name of Jesus Christ, change will come and you will be blessed. I leave you this promise in His sacred name, Jesus the Christ, Amen.

p.s. I have new shoes, but dang these things are so trashed, haha.  They have holes in the bottoms and my feet used to get SOAKED when it rains.  Its also been sorta snowing today :/ not too happy because it's so stinking cold out, but it only gets warmer from here, right?

Week 17 in Idaho

So before I start about me, I want to take a moment to share a scripture I thought of after I found out my Uncle Gordon passed away.

Rev 21:4 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, 
neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are 
passed away."

I can testify that death is not the end.  That Life is not simply now, but is Eternal!  It's hard, no matter what, but the burden can be lightened and we can find solace in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

On a brighter note, I am doing super well!  I have a baptism on the 8th and the ward members are finally starting to remember my name, haha.  Anyway, I'm going to keep is pretty short this week and leave you with some scriptures.

Alma 27:28
Alma 40:11-12
Luke 23:42-43

I love you all. I really, really mean it.
-Elder Stolper

Week 16 Boise

Oh my goodness it's been a long week, haha.  So we had all of the missionaries come up to Boise from the other side of the mission to talk to people about the temple.  They went to 3 different places on 3 different days and I had to organize the areas where they were going.  Oh man, after like 3 days of it, I was done!

I got to go to BSU for 2 of the days and it was so funny because the missionary I took with me was super scared of all of the girls, haha.  A missionary will go and talk to the sketchiest dude, whose got crazy tattoos on his face, but if it's a pretty girl then they freak and get all scared. It's so dumb, haha. 

We also had ZC this week and that went pretty well.  I got a flu shot at the church and then I sat and ate with this cute little kid that was there.  This Sister Missionary comes up to me and goes "woah, are you Noah?" I was like "ummm yeah" and she goes, "your mom said to tell you hi. We talked on Instagram and she's so nice!"  Thanks for hooking it up mom! ;) JK.  President was right there and he just died, haha.

So we have a baptism coming up on the 8th, so I am super pumped about that. Her name is Jackie and she is like 19 I think.  She is the last one in her family to join and it was a hard decision for her for sure, but I know she is going to do awesome!  We should have 2-3 more coming up soon, so I'll keep you posted.

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Noah Stolper

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week 15 in Idaho

So this week was a little rougher than most.  I had to watch Elder Knudsen go home and I was put with a temporary companion, Elder Houck, and he goes home tomorrow... I swear I'm not trying to send them home!  Elder Houck is just done with his mission, but oh man things are just so crazy this transfer.  I get to keep in pretty close contact with President though, so that's cool.

To be honest, I don't really have a whole lot to report on, but yeah things are going well all in all. I guess I'll close out with my simple testimony to fill some space.. 

As I watch the Elders in my district, I see the Gospel work in them and I see the Atonement of Jesus Christ strengthen them in their times of need.  I saw it help me this week as my heart took an emotional blow with the leaving of my companion.  I knew that I could not afford to lose even the smallest bit of hope or motivation and it was hard to put on a smile and to look them in the eyes and tell them everything would be alright.  I am over a new district and 6 out of my 10 Elders are new and I know it rocked them and they felt the foundation of their testimonies shake, but they were strong and they remained rooted though the winds of adversity and the pounding hail of hopelessness beat against them.

It was hard to stand in front of them as a leader and encourage, uplift and to tell them that leaving this great experience is not an option, and will NOT bring peace or relief in times of distress.  I bore my testimony of the struggles that lie in wait at home for the missionary who gives up or abandons his calling in search of relief. 

At times this Gospel can seem like a sail that keeps us catching every little breeze of adversity.  I myself have thought from time to time, my life would be so much less stressful if I just didn't know or didn't believe, and while this thought may seem tempting and may seem like an escape route, I want to tell you with all the intensity of my soul, YOU WILL NOT FIND GREATER JOY THAN THAT FOUND IN CHRIST, JESUS.  He alone can help you win the fight that is this bitter sweet experience.

I want to share one of my favorite scriptures, PSALMS 27:1 "The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid"  We have nothing to fear when the Lord is on our side.  He will be there for us if only we will let Him.  We must ask.  I know that He loves us and He (Jesus Christ) is a testimony of Gods love for us.

In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Week 14


Sorry I've been pretty vague with my past few emails. Things have been pretty crazy here. To fill you in, we have 13 investigators including 2 families and 5 or 6 less actives we are working with. We should be having a baptism at the end of this month and possibly another, then we should be having 2 or 3 the next few months to follow.

I think I introduced my new companion, but if not he is Elder Brayden Knudsen and I just love this kid to pieces! He is a light in my life and he keeps me focused on others and helps me to forget myself. We have had both of our bikes down so we walk about 7-10 miles a day and I love it because we get to talk to everyone and I don't look like such a doofus in my bike helmet. We have been having some pretty amazing miracles, like every day!

Yesterday we were just walking to dinner and we had like 45 mins to fill, but God told me "just go to dinner," so as we go I felt strongly to go try to visit a guy named Vinny that we teach. He wasn't there, but I knew God sent us there for a reason. Then a member comes out and we talk with him and he gives us a referral. I was like "wow, this is great!" As we go back to the road to take us to dinner, a lady pulls up and says "are you Mormon Elders for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?" Astonished at the title, I said "yes, my name is Elder Stolper..." and she cuts me off with "Well then get in, my sisters a Mormon and she's sick and God sent me you Angel boys to heal her. Isn't there something you do for sick people?" I told her there is and that we couldn't ride with her, but we'd meet here at the house.

We walk in to find a lady named Sister Kellogg. Her husband just had heart surgery and she had pneumonia and the doctor said that if her husband gets it, in the state he's in, that he'll die that night... So we blessed her and healed her only to find out that they were supposed to leave that morning for a mission in Fresno. She didn't know who to call for help so she prayed and her sister had surprised her with us to give her a blessing! The Lord works in miraculous ways and what a blessing it is to be a part of it. They leave for their mission in just a few days now.

This is just one of many stories I could tell you about this week alone. God is with us, you and me and His promise in D&C84:88 echo's in my mind. "Whosoever shall receive you, there shall I be also; I will go before your face, I will be on your right hand and on your left and mine angels shall be round about you to bare you up" God will walk before us and with us. I know he lives. I know the Priesthood is real and that Jesus Christ restored it through Joseph Smith. The dead do not rise again from mental affect or comforting words, but by the power of God. Pneumonia does not leave after 1 day and no medication no matter how much will power you muster, only by the power of God. I know this to be true and say it in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Week 13 in Boise

Wow, what a wonderful conference weekend it has been! I always feel so lucky to hear the word of prophets and apostles of the Lord, Jesus Christ.  I know that these men are called of God and that what they share are the Lords words for us!

I am in the same area, but I got a new companion! His name is Elder Knudsen and he is from Fontana, so its kinda close to T.O.!  It's at least in Southern CA, haha.  He is a newer missionary and has only been out 7 weeks, so I am training him.  It's really cool that I get to keep training. 

I also got 2 new Elders in my district, so now my district has 10 Elders! It's a lot, but I love them all so much and they are all amazing! 

I wish to share with you all a quote from Elder Zwick (who came to GA and spoke to our mission) he said "look beyond what you can see." I wish today to apply this to helping those around us.  One of the many strong themes was service.  I can promise you that every person you know has struggles.  Do what you can, even when you can't see the struggle.  Serve out of love and not necessity.  Love one another as Jesus loves you.

I wish I had more time to talk, but I love you all and thank you for serving me and my family.  Take care and God bless. 

Elder Stolper

Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 12

So this is transfers week and we'll have to see what's going to happen, but I think I will either go somewhere else or stay... I know, profound huh? hahah. To be honest, I really don't care either way.

This week was good.  My poor greenie got hit by a car and messed up his bike. I told him it's a right of passage as a missionary, and don't worry, he is fine, haha. I love him so much and I hope that we stay together.

We had the primary program this Sunday in one of our wards and it was sooooo cool! I am so jealous to hear about all of the babies back at home and I'm not there to hold them...

Anyway, I just want to say that I love you so much and I hope you all know it. General conference is this week and I hope you all listen to what the Lord wants you to know. These are the words from the Savior to His living prophet today, Thomas S. Monson, and it's specifically for us.

I love you all. Did I say that already? Do you know it yet? I really, really do.

Elder Stolper

Week 11 in Idaho!!!

Hey guys!

So to be 100% honest, it was a pretty lame week. I was pretty sick, but kept working because I need to teach my companion a good work ethic, but I think I just scared him, haha.  We had a crazy week and lots of cool things happened, but today I want to talk about NOT giving up!

We had a missionary in our zone go home today, and brothers and sisters my heart is broken... Nothing so breaks my heart as to see an Elder or a Sister feel like they cannot continue on. I KNOW, and am an example that you can. It is no secret at home or in the mission that I went home for a year. No one knows why, but one thing that I am proud to say is that they all know that I value my mission! Elder Holland says his mission means the most to him, but I feel like I'm far more convinced than even he is, that a mission will change lives and set standards and habits for the rest of your life.

I will keep my message short today and end with these words. If you are debating whether or not to go on a mission, remember that you made that choice a long time ago, in another world, in front of the God of us all and you said "yea Lord, I will go, if only you will help me" and he said I WILL BE THERE! I so testify that you will not be alone when you leave, that the Lord will go with you. "I will go before your face, I will be on your right hand and on your left, and mine angels shall be round about you to bare you up." If you are out and are struggling, have faith. Know that God loves you and you are not alone. Write me and lets talk about it. Talk to your mission president and ask for a priesthood blessing. If you have already gone home for reasons you can't control and feel like you have let down the Lord, take comfort and remember you are NEVER released as a missionary. There is no releasing and you were called to this great work FOREVER! Go my brothers and sister, serve and know that God is with you! I love you all!

Elder Noah Stolper 

Week 10 in Boise, ID

Hey guys,

So the past few weeks have been pretty crazy, but were doing well. Lots of crazy stuff.  I helped get a homeless dude to quit drinking, which had literally ruined his life. I guess I didn't do much, as it was more the Lord, but it was cool to see how we helped him.  It was hard for him for sure!

Elder Lawrence ate it on his bike like twice this week.  I mean like he really, really ate it! I felt so bad, but he kept a good attitude. When he said he was okay, he was less than thrilled when I told him we were going to keep working if he was fine. His answer then changed, but we got to rest a bit and he is fine now, haha poor kid!

We got lots and lots of new investigators and I really like this area, which means I'll probably be getting transferred.  This is week 5 in this area, so one more week till transfers again! Crazy huh?

Anyway, I just wanted to bare my testimony on prayer. I know that prayer works. I know that God is real and He hears our prayers and He knows our hearts. If you are struggling with knowing or believing or hoping if God is there, Ask Him! It's literally as easy as that. If you really want to know and if you ask, He will tell you He is there. I testify that I have asked God if He is there and He has told me that He is. I know that He loves us and I say these things in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all, more than you know and more than I could tell you.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Week 8 in Boise, ID

Hey y'all, 

Sorry my last Email was so short. I only had about 20 mins to email so I am glad that I have a little more time this week.

So this week I want to talk about love. One of my favorite scriptures of all time is John 11:35 which reads "Jesus wept".  If any of you read my emails while I was in GA one of my favorite things to say after I saw something or heard something that broke my heart was "I cried my eyes out".  I'm not saying that I am some big baby and that I cry at the drop of a hat, but I for sure get a little misty when I bare my testimony or when I hear a sad story or watch a sad movie. It gives me comfort to know that the savior wept too, but what amazes me is the verse that follows (John 11:36) "Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him".  I am currently training a new missionary and he cries. Like a lot, but I love it because it shows me that he cares.

While I was in GA I got to spend the afternoon digging postholes with a Baptist minister and he was this big tough guy who was a Ranger and a Cowboy and all this stuff. While we were digging we began to talk about the atonement and I saw this "man among men" begin to cry. He looked up at me and his lip was quivering and he couldn't hold himself together, so me being the smooth talker I am said "Dude, what're you doing" and he said he just feels so loved and so much love, he can't help but cry. I wish I realized then that I need that. I still do. Compassion and love is a hard thing for me, but I can promise you all that as we try to love one another and live up to the baptismal covenants we made (Mosiah 18), we will be blessed!

Now we don't always have to cry.  I remember the words of my first companion and this will be the last thing I leave with you, he said to me; " I never knew how much you loved me, until you stopped telling me and started showing me" 

Monday, August 21, 2017



So I am now in the Boise East Stake and I cover two wards, Liberty and Park Center. They are both super cool.  My new companion is Elder Lawrence and we whitewashed the area.

I was super bummed to be leaving the Colehaven Ward because I was just getting to know the area. I am still on bikes and now that I cover two wards, so it's quite a trip to go from one end to the other. Elder Lawrence is new and he is doing super well! He loves to work hard and is teaching me so much. 

We didn't have any info when we first got here and the area book was a mess, so we have no idea who we are teaching and where people live or what they've been taught.. It's been an adventure for sure!!! 

I'm going to keep this pretty short because Elder Lawrence and I have to share this computer, but I love you all so much.  I am so grateful for the chance I have to finish my mission and it amazes me everyday to think of the Love that God has for me!  I have been learning a lot about how to succor people.  It's hard.

I don't have much of a spiritual thought this week because like I said I am short on time, but go listen to "Like a Broken Vessel" by Elder Holland.  He is much better at talking than I am, haha.  I love you all so much and hope to continue hearing about the things going on in your lives. You have my prayers.

Elder Noah Stolper

Week 6 in Boise ID

Hey y'all,

 So this was the week of finding new people to teach! Preach My Gospel says "As you plan a path, the Lord will put people in you way." Guys, they're not kidding! Almost everyday we have gotten a new investigator, its been super great. It amazes me to see how the Lord prepares people. When we find them they are ready and at a point where they need more! One example is a dude we found last week and set up a return appointment for this last Saturday.

So we get there and he is super standoffish, but me being the annoyance I am, convinced him that he had made the appointment for a reason and something in him wanted to hear what we had to say. So he agrees and we sit down in his home and he goes off on this crazy story about growing up in a pagan home with all sorts of awful stuff going on. It was quite the story, but for some reason I believed him. I then felt impressed to ask him what he believes now, and he said that there is a "Great Spirit" and that he can talk to it...  I asked how and he said "I just get an overwhelming feeling and I know it's him."  I thought to myself "self, you've heard this before," and I have! This is exactly what King Lamoni said to Ammon.  He thought Ammon was the Great Spirit and Ammon testified of the Father and of the Son, so I did the same.  I told him that the Great Spirit is a living God, who is his Heavenly Father and that he has a son, Jesus Christ, who is the Savior and Redeemer of the world.  He kinda gave me a weird look and said "eeh, I think it's a great spirit..." So I told him to ask the Great Spirit and see if he can testify of what we have said.  He agreed and our meeting was over.

How grateful I am that I have read the Book of Mormon and was spiritually prepared to let the spirit answer his questions and to bear testimony of the doctrine the spirit teaches.  I know that reading the Book of Mormon will prepare us for the trials of life. Life is a marathon, and do you know when the first water station is when you run a marathon?  It is at mile 3.  Now the ambitious runner who thinks he can do it all on his own will skip this because it is only mile 3 and he has so many more to go, but he will soon come to realize its importance as he approaches mile 6 and 7.  Brothers and Sisters, it is vital that we take the time to prepare for the journey ahead. Trials and tests and hard times WILL COME, so please, I beg you to prepare for them now.  The race of life has many hills and many valleys, but the Book of Mormon will so nourish us that we will pass them with a preparedness and a determination that we cannot have on our own. So please, read the Book of Mormon everyday.  I can testify to you that it is the word of God.

I am here in Idaho telling all who will listen that I give my name, to be recorded in the Heavens and the Earth and that I, Noah Nathaniel Stolper, know that God lives, that His son Jesus is our Christ and Redeemer, and that God still speaks to man today. The Book of Mormon testifies of all of this and I testify of it as well. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Week #5!!!

Brothers and Sisters, what a week!

So this was a crazy week!   I almost moved, and then I didn't, and then I went on two exchanges to try to help out with a crazy situation that some Elders are having.  Everything I own is packed up because I thought I was moving to go switch with one of them, but good news, I'm not!  So now I get to re organize all that I own, haha.  But for real, what an amazing week this was. 

The experience I want to share with you this week is about the love that I feel being here.  So my bike (the one that I found and put together) was not in the best shape and it had no back brakes, the rear tire would go flat about once a week and it couldn't change gears.  To be honest, I was fine with that and it didn't affect me physically, but it made it really hard to work efficiently because we had to walk all of the time.  It takes about an hour and a half to walk the 5 miles to our area and my companion was getting a little frustrated with how much we had to walk...  We ended up having dinner with the First Counselor in the Mission Presidency because he lives in my ward, and he totally fixed my bike!  I mean new tires, tubes, brakes, everything it needed.  Not only did he buy it all, but he actually fixed it himself.  I am so grateful for a Mission Presidency who loves me and is so willing to help me so that I can work hard. 

I also got to go and teach a bunch of refugees!  There are tons and tons of them here.  Elder Field and I (the one in the picture) got to go play soccer with them and it was so much fun to see the parents come out and they all were a little worried, but then they saw that we were just dorky kids, they totally came up and we got to teach them and it was super cool! I love them all so much!

I would like to close with my testimony on Love. I cannot find the words to say that would even begin to explain the love that I have for the people of Idaho and for you.  I think I some times scare people because I just look at them like they are the only person I see and I think it makes them a little uncomfortable, but I just cant help it.  My heart is so full.  I look at people who are well off and I look at those who are sleeping in the gutter and I just see God's child.  I know that they mean so much to Him and that they mean so much to me as well.  I hope you feel it.  I hope and I pray every night that you do.

I love you all.  If I have not reached out to you specifically and told you so, I love you (and I have like nobody's email since this goes on a blog so you gotta email me first haha). 

I want you all to read in the Bible, John 3:16. "For God so loved the world" and I want you to change "the world" and put your name there and read it out-loud.  I know that He is Real.  I know that God lives and that his Son Jesus Christ lives for us.  He is our Savior.  I know that they love you and I say these things in His Holy name, even Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Stolper

Week 4 In Boise, ID

Well guys, it's been like a month and my heart is broken because that means I only have 16 left until I have to come home..., but this week was super fun!

We just kinda did our thing, but we did get to meet this really cool guy named Chris. He is homeless (but you wouldn't know it) and he called us over and talked to us for about an hour and just spilled his whole life story, and wow. It was quite the story! Then he stopped right in the middle of a sentence and looked like he wanted us to say something, so I opened my mouth to say "are ya gonna finish" or something dumb like that and then out come these words "Chris, you are a son of God and he loves you, He is aware of your struggles and has the hosts of heaven surrounding you to bear you burdens. All you have to do it ask." Guys, I didn't think to say that... I didn't even plan on saying anything spiritual, but I guess the lord had some words for me to say, and I can testify that they truly are the words of the lord.  Chris started to cry. And when he had sobbed a few times he uncovered his face from his hands and said "you are the angels sent to help me, I know it."

Wow! Here I was, just simple Noah Stolper, trying to hear the rest of his story and the lord made me and instrument in his hands. What a miraculous blessing. I am no angel and I certainly don't feel like I am really anything special, because when push comes to shove, we can all be angels to someone who needs it. I can't imagine a scenario where I could ever come up on my own with words to comfort someone, but I work hard to prepare myself and to have the spirit with me ALWAYS!, so that just maybe I can be of some good use.  I can promise you on behalf of God that he can use you if you have his spirit with you and you prepare yourself.

I would like to wrap this up with my simple testimony of Ministering Angles. I know that there really are angels sent from heaven to minister unto us, and that it is by Faith that they come.  I know that there are Earthly Angels that can answer prayers and help us, if we have faith.  As I type this I realize that this is really a testimony on faith.  It is by Faith, that we see miracles. It is by Faith, that we can see angels.  It is by faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ that we can be driven to repentance and saved in his grace.  It is by faith that we will walk in the path of righteousness and it is faith, which binds us to the Iron Rod.  It is even by faith that we are alive in this world.  If your Faith is lacking, remember where you came from. This is not the first time that God has said "trust in Me."  You, my brothers and sisters, are among the faithful children of God who kept their first estate and came to Earth, following Jesus Christ and it is that same Faith that carries us through. Day by day by day. 

I would Exhort you to read in the Book of Mormon, Ether 12:6-19 or if you only have a bible, then Hebrews 11.  These scriptures will testify that the things which I have said are true.  I know that they are true, for they are the words that the Lord has put into my heart.

I love you all and say these things In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

-Elder Noah Stolper

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Week 3 in Boise.

Hey Everyone!

 So this week was awesome! I just want to start out by saying how much I love being on a mission! Anyway, only two exciting things happened this week, my bike tire popped and I gave 2 blessings. 

So we usually ride about 15-20 miles a day on our bikes and we were asked to go to the hospital and give a blessing. So about 3 miles into the 7 mile ride my tire blew out and so I did the smart thing and rode it for another 2 miles... and then the whole bike just seized up, so I walked it the rest of the way there. It turns out that the lady we were going to go see was released about 2 hours before we even got there, but we met another lady in the lobby who had us give her mom a blessing. So that was sick.

Then there was the other blessing. We were teaching a lesson to these 4 kids who were newly adopted so that they can go get sealed to their family, and I get a call from the Sisters and they are freaking out. They said it's an emergency and we needed to go right now and meet them at an assisted living home.  So we did and we walk into the room and there is a sister in our ward who is dying. I will spare you the details, but she and the nurses knew it was a matter of minutes before she would be leaving and she wanted a blessing.  So we asked her what kind and she said I want a blessing of healing. So seeing that she had faith, and being moved by the spirit, my companion anointed her and I sealed the blessing and was inspired to say many things that I cannot remember, but she was grateful after and within 10 mins she was fine. Now, I am no doctor and I am no expert, but it is not too often that people just "stop dying" because of will power.  I am also convinced that the placebo effect has no sway on the bands of death, but I do know; the Priesthood Authority of God can raise the dead. It can calm the seas and surely it can calm a troubled heart and can save a daughter of God in need.

Brothers and Sisters I am a witness of the reality of the Priesthood. I testify that it has been restored to the earth and that when it is used in line with the will of God, that Miracles can happen. But this was nothing miraculous, it is exactly predictably what is supposed to happen. We read that with faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains.  Then what can stop the power and authority of God himself.  I know that those sacred keys were restored through the prophet of the restoration, who is Joseph Smith. I wish I could take you all there to that moment in that small shared room where Sister Caroline Brown was as the Savior says about Lazarus (john 11:4)"... sick, not unto death...but for the glory of God..."

God is truly glorious and I am blessed to be here on my mission. I have done nothing special, but Sister Brown has let me help her to Glorify God, and for that I am so grateful.

I love you all. 
-Elder Noah Stolper

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Another Week In Boise.

Hey Everyone!

It's been another awesome week in "North Utah" because this place is literally just like Utah, haha. Nothing super crazy happened. Boise is too safe and civil for me to have any cool stories yet or even take any cool pictures, so I'm sorry about that. We are teaching a few people and we also dropped a few this week too. We had one guy on date named Eddie, but he is getting nervous and wants to push it back because the Sisters had let him do that before and the Ward and my Comp want to let him, but I feel like he will never follow through if we let him, so I'm gonna try to be a stickler about it. 

We are teaching a refugee named Christine! She is awesome and she speaks Swahili, so I'm hoping I can learn to at least say "Hi, I'm Elder Stolper" by next week, haha. There are tons and tons of refugees here and they all love the Church!

This week we also met this dude while we were knocking (which Elder Aughenbaugh hates, but it was my idea) and oh my gosh, he ripped us a new one! He didn't only want to challenge what he thought we believed, but he was mad. LIKE REALLY REALLY MAD!  He was a minister at a church near by and it was interesting because I felt the Spirit leave the minute he opened the door, and i just thought "Oh this won't be good." I can testify that there are two churches, the church of God which is full of love and acceptance and the church of the devil which is full of hate and competition and contention. 

It wasn't particularly my favorite moment this week, but I am so blessed you guys! Like more than I can explain! I think back to a quote I heard from a missionary from the early days of the church that said "although my burden is heavy, I feel not to murmur" that is my mission quote. I feel not to murmur or complain. I love this Gospel. That word means "good news" and that's what it is. This is the good news of the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. It's real that God is our Great Eternal Father and that Christ the Lord has Risen that one day we might rise too. I invite you all to read Matthew 26:36-46 and to place yourself in the garden with Jesus. Close your eyes and watch Him as He prays and think of this as you partake of the sacrament this week. I love you all, more than I can express. And I am grateful for you and I pray for you. 

-Elder Stolper

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

My first week in Boise, ID.


So I guess if you don't know by now, I bet you can probably figure out that I am back out on my mission and I have been blessed to serve in the Boise, Idaho mission!! I guess if you're really behind, surprise, I've been home from GA for about 13 months and am now back out. I am going to keep my emails pretty brief, but I promise to try to be entertaining so you want to read them, haha. So I am in Boise City, about 15 miles from the mission office and it is so awesome up here! It's been about 105* every day and we are lucky enough to have bikes (that's not sarcasm, haha), so we don't have to walk the 5 miles to get into our area! We are serving in the Colehaven Ward and my companion is Elder Aughenbaugh. He is 6'8" and is literally Jordan Grover in every way, so we get along super super well. We put someone on date this week, so hopefully more good news to come from that soon! I love you all and I am so, so, so grateful to be able to serve and finish my mission. This is truly a Gospel for the broken. No one is turned away and no one is unwelcome. We invite all to come, join with us and bring your trials, your sins and your burdens and we can work through them together. I know that this Gospel is true and miss you all.

Lots of love,
-Elder Stolper