Monday, October 16, 2017

Week 15 in Idaho

So this week was a little rougher than most.  I had to watch Elder Knudsen go home and I was put with a temporary companion, Elder Houck, and he goes home tomorrow... I swear I'm not trying to send them home!  Elder Houck is just done with his mission, but oh man things are just so crazy this transfer.  I get to keep in pretty close contact with President though, so that's cool.

To be honest, I don't really have a whole lot to report on, but yeah things are going well all in all. I guess I'll close out with my simple testimony to fill some space.. 

As I watch the Elders in my district, I see the Gospel work in them and I see the Atonement of Jesus Christ strengthen them in their times of need.  I saw it help me this week as my heart took an emotional blow with the leaving of my companion.  I knew that I could not afford to lose even the smallest bit of hope or motivation and it was hard to put on a smile and to look them in the eyes and tell them everything would be alright.  I am over a new district and 6 out of my 10 Elders are new and I know it rocked them and they felt the foundation of their testimonies shake, but they were strong and they remained rooted though the winds of adversity and the pounding hail of hopelessness beat against them.

It was hard to stand in front of them as a leader and encourage, uplift and to tell them that leaving this great experience is not an option, and will NOT bring peace or relief in times of distress.  I bore my testimony of the struggles that lie in wait at home for the missionary who gives up or abandons his calling in search of relief. 

At times this Gospel can seem like a sail that keeps us catching every little breeze of adversity.  I myself have thought from time to time, my life would be so much less stressful if I just didn't know or didn't believe, and while this thought may seem tempting and may seem like an escape route, I want to tell you with all the intensity of my soul, YOU WILL NOT FIND GREATER JOY THAN THAT FOUND IN CHRIST, JESUS.  He alone can help you win the fight that is this bitter sweet experience.

I want to share one of my favorite scriptures, PSALMS 27:1 "The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid"  We have nothing to fear when the Lord is on our side.  He will be there for us if only we will let Him.  We must ask.  I know that He loves us and He (Jesus Christ) is a testimony of Gods love for us.

In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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