Monday, August 21, 2017

Week 6 in Boise ID

Hey y'all,

 So this was the week of finding new people to teach! Preach My Gospel says "As you plan a path, the Lord will put people in you way." Guys, they're not kidding! Almost everyday we have gotten a new investigator, its been super great. It amazes me to see how the Lord prepares people. When we find them they are ready and at a point where they need more! One example is a dude we found last week and set up a return appointment for this last Saturday.

So we get there and he is super standoffish, but me being the annoyance I am, convinced him that he had made the appointment for a reason and something in him wanted to hear what we had to say. So he agrees and we sit down in his home and he goes off on this crazy story about growing up in a pagan home with all sorts of awful stuff going on. It was quite the story, but for some reason I believed him. I then felt impressed to ask him what he believes now, and he said that there is a "Great Spirit" and that he can talk to it...  I asked how and he said "I just get an overwhelming feeling and I know it's him."  I thought to myself "self, you've heard this before," and I have! This is exactly what King Lamoni said to Ammon.  He thought Ammon was the Great Spirit and Ammon testified of the Father and of the Son, so I did the same.  I told him that the Great Spirit is a living God, who is his Heavenly Father and that he has a son, Jesus Christ, who is the Savior and Redeemer of the world.  He kinda gave me a weird look and said "eeh, I think it's a great spirit..." So I told him to ask the Great Spirit and see if he can testify of what we have said.  He agreed and our meeting was over.

How grateful I am that I have read the Book of Mormon and was spiritually prepared to let the spirit answer his questions and to bear testimony of the doctrine the spirit teaches.  I know that reading the Book of Mormon will prepare us for the trials of life. Life is a marathon, and do you know when the first water station is when you run a marathon?  It is at mile 3.  Now the ambitious runner who thinks he can do it all on his own will skip this because it is only mile 3 and he has so many more to go, but he will soon come to realize its importance as he approaches mile 6 and 7.  Brothers and Sisters, it is vital that we take the time to prepare for the journey ahead. Trials and tests and hard times WILL COME, so please, I beg you to prepare for them now.  The race of life has many hills and many valleys, but the Book of Mormon will so nourish us that we will pass them with a preparedness and a determination that we cannot have on our own. So please, read the Book of Mormon everyday.  I can testify to you that it is the word of God.

I am here in Idaho telling all who will listen that I give my name, to be recorded in the Heavens and the Earth and that I, Noah Nathaniel Stolper, know that God lives, that His son Jesus is our Christ and Redeemer, and that God still speaks to man today. The Book of Mormon testifies of all of this and I testify of it as well. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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