Monday, August 7, 2017

Week 4 In Boise, ID

Well guys, it's been like a month and my heart is broken because that means I only have 16 left until I have to come home..., but this week was super fun!

We just kinda did our thing, but we did get to meet this really cool guy named Chris. He is homeless (but you wouldn't know it) and he called us over and talked to us for about an hour and just spilled his whole life story, and wow. It was quite the story! Then he stopped right in the middle of a sentence and looked like he wanted us to say something, so I opened my mouth to say "are ya gonna finish" or something dumb like that and then out come these words "Chris, you are a son of God and he loves you, He is aware of your struggles and has the hosts of heaven surrounding you to bear you burdens. All you have to do it ask." Guys, I didn't think to say that... I didn't even plan on saying anything spiritual, but I guess the lord had some words for me to say, and I can testify that they truly are the words of the lord.  Chris started to cry. And when he had sobbed a few times he uncovered his face from his hands and said "you are the angels sent to help me, I know it."

Wow! Here I was, just simple Noah Stolper, trying to hear the rest of his story and the lord made me and instrument in his hands. What a miraculous blessing. I am no angel and I certainly don't feel like I am really anything special, because when push comes to shove, we can all be angels to someone who needs it. I can't imagine a scenario where I could ever come up on my own with words to comfort someone, but I work hard to prepare myself and to have the spirit with me ALWAYS!, so that just maybe I can be of some good use.  I can promise you on behalf of God that he can use you if you have his spirit with you and you prepare yourself.

I would like to wrap this up with my simple testimony of Ministering Angles. I know that there really are angels sent from heaven to minister unto us, and that it is by Faith that they come.  I know that there are Earthly Angels that can answer prayers and help us, if we have faith.  As I type this I realize that this is really a testimony on faith.  It is by Faith, that we see miracles. It is by Faith, that we can see angels.  It is by faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ that we can be driven to repentance and saved in his grace.  It is by faith that we will walk in the path of righteousness and it is faith, which binds us to the Iron Rod.  It is even by faith that we are alive in this world.  If your Faith is lacking, remember where you came from. This is not the first time that God has said "trust in Me."  You, my brothers and sisters, are among the faithful children of God who kept their first estate and came to Earth, following Jesus Christ and it is that same Faith that carries us through. Day by day by day. 

I would Exhort you to read in the Book of Mormon, Ether 12:6-19 or if you only have a bible, then Hebrews 11.  These scriptures will testify that the things which I have said are true.  I know that they are true, for they are the words that the Lord has put into my heart.

I love you all and say these things In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

-Elder Noah Stolper

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